The campaign to beat the pandemic

NHS 73rd anniversary leaflet – a pandemic of privatisation

03 July 2021 / zerocovid

A pandemic of privatisation

Around 130,000 dead, about a million suffering chronic health problems, doctors, nurses and other key workers having to put their lives in danger while doing their job. Businesses and shops losing money, people confined to their homes for months at a time.

Why has the UK’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic been so inadequate?

A decade of cuts and privatisation had stripped the NHS of spare capacity. Despite repeated warnings, the UK was not properly prepared for a pandemic.

The Government has allocated an eye-watering amount of money – £37 billion – to the privately run test and trace system in England, which is led by a Tory peer with no relevant experience.

The result has been tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths and a cycle of virus surge and lockdowns.

Give the NHS and the public sector the money to end the pandemic now!

The Zero Covid Campaign believes that an elimination strategy – suppressing the virus as much as possible, to prevent it circulating – is the only way we can beat this pandemic.

Covid vaccines are a vital part of our fight against the virus but they won’t work on their own. We need a proper Find, Test, Trace, Isolate and Support system, run by properly qualified and appointed public health professionals.

The Government must terminate its latest contract with Serco and give local public health teams the funding to run testing and tracing.

About Zero Covid UK

Zero Covid is part of an international alliance to eliminate the virus. It campaigns for the following (in addition to a mass vaccination programme):

  • An effective, local and fully funded Find, Test, Trace, Isolate and Support system (FTTIS) run by the NHS and local authorities, providing full financial and practical assistance to all those required to shield or self-isolate
  • All workplaces, including schools, colleges and transportation, must be made Covid-safe, and certified as safe by trade unions and/or public health authorities
  • Mitigation measures such as enhanced ventilation, supported by government grants
  • Effective measures to address international travel – including free testing and quarantine – based on public health requirements not immigration control
  • Acting quickly to stamp out any new outbreaks
  • A People’s Vaccine for developing countries, funded by high-income countries

What can I do?

Become a Zero Covid supporter. It’s free, and you get a newsletter keeping you up to date and sending you links to useful information. We hold fortnightly Zoom calls, at which all supporters are welcome, where we debate issues related to the pandemic. We are also campaigning to prevent future pandemics. Sign up at /join

Sign our petition calling for Test and Trace to be handed over to local public health bodies:

Print this text as a flyer:

Zero Covid leaflet for the NHS 73rd anniversary (two A5 pages)

Zero Covid leaflet for the NHS 73rd anniversary (single A4 page)

Zero Covid leaflet for the NHS 73rd anniversary (two sided A4, makes two A5 leaflets)

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