Day of Action roundup: Fix contact tracing, scrap Serco!
Yesterday saw actions across England demanding that Matt Hancock #ScrapSerco !
With Serco’s contract ending on May 17, now is the time to apply pressure for it not to be renewed. We need a contact tracing and isolation support system that is run locally!
Together we can beat privatisation, outsourcing and corruption and #ScrapSerco! To stop a third wave, we need a working test and trace system rooted in our communities.
Shout out to We Own It , Keep Our NHS Public and all the local activists who took action!
Liverpool says get Covid done! Public track and trace now! #ScrapSerco
Liverpool says get Covid done! Public track and trace now! #ScrapSerco
Nottinghamshire: Delivering a letter to councillors on the local Health and Wellbeing Board to pressure Matt Hancock into ending SERCO’s contract for NHS Track and Trace! #ScrapSerco Whose death is acceptable? Elimination now! #ZeroCovid
Nottinghamshire: Delivering a letter to councillors on the local Health and Wellbeing Board to pressure Matt Hancock into ending SERCO’s contract for NHS Track and Trace! #ScrapSerco Whose death is acceptable? Elimination now! #ZeroCovid
Birmingham says not a penny more to Serco! Too many have lost their lives because of the failures of the test and trace system #ScrapSerco
Merseyside: We need to ditch Dido’s cowboys! 🤠❌🤠❌
Let’s kick Serco out of test and trace! Give the cash to local public health teams #ScrapSerco #ZeroCovid
Merseyside: We need to ditch Dido’s cowboys! 🤠❌🤠❌ Let’s kick Serco out of test and trace! Give the cash to local public health teams #ScrapSerco #ZeroCovid
London: #ScrapSerco protesters at Downing St. We need a working public sector Find, Test, Trace, Isolate and Support system. #ZeroCovid.
London: #ScrapSerco protesters at Downing St. We need a working public sector Find, Test, Trace, Isolate and Support system. #ZeroCovid.
Manchester says give local public health teams the cash for test and trace! We need a #ZeroCovid strategy to save lives and livelihoods. #ScrapSerco
Manchester says give local public health teams the cash for test and trace! We need a #ZeroCovid strategy to save lives and livelihoods. #ScrapSerco
Manchester says give local public health teams the cash for test and trace! We need a #ZeroCovid strategy to save lives and livelihoods. #ScrapSerco
Ealing health campaigners call time on privatisation and outsourcing in public health! #ScrapSerco
Kent says #ScrapSerco! Give local public health teams the cash.
Calderdale: Activists supporting local contact tracers call for local teams to be given the support they need to do what they do best!
Oxford: Protest outside the County Hall says tear up the cheque to Serco! Hand test and trace to local teams. #ScrapSerco
Oxford: Protest outside the County Hall says tear up the cheque to Serco! Hand test and trace to local teams. #ScrapSerco
Sheffield: Protest outside the Town Hall. SERCO OUR OF TEST AND TRACE! They wrote to the Director of Public Health, Council Leader, & Chair of Health Scrutiny to say #ScrapSerco.